Featured Products
Painting - Muskrat skull$250.00
Painting - Following The Silent Hedges$250.00
Painting - The wind blows through my bones$450.00
4x4 Sophie sticker!$4.00
Print - In remembrance of Our Lady Tzarina Sophia Batman Von Bülow Esq.$30.00
Painting - The Unraveling$450.00
Payment page for online art classes$50.00
Painting - Sunset over tundra$550.00
Painting - Babylon against Babylon$250.00
Painting - Lockjaw$250.00
Painting - Rage$250.00
Painting - I am the nest$250.00
Painting - The Cripple$250.00
Steven Archer 2025 backstage pass$60.00
Print - I love lamp$35.00
Painting - Mother Ocean Father Night$5,200.00
Painting - The heart of Christ$450.00
Painting - What makes you human?$450.00
Paintings - you’ll always find me here (diptych)$10,200.00 / On Sale
Painting - The innevitible end$450.00